About Us

Made Up records is the Newest alternative music label from the UK. Starting April 28th we aim to release new music to you from new artists and invite you to listen, discover and enjoy.. All in the name of new music. All downloads will be offered free of charge, all we ask in return is that you spread the word.

Heres the Story... SO FAR...

The first record i ever bought was the white stripes 2001 'White Blood Cells' LP, (i was a late starter) i dont think i have ever felt the same way about music again. It really was just an impulse buy, hardly knew anything about Jack or indeed his sister but then again neither did the majority of the world at this point. It was incredible. That guitar the incredible lyrics. Music never sounded as good to me. I remember running into school the following day and mentioning this to a few of my buddies. A kid called Paul who i used to hang around with had a big brother whom was also into the stripes and Paul used to steal his Brothers music to listen to whilst he was at football practice and on my telling him about my discovery, he immediately referred me to some of the most important records i had ever heard in my life, Def Leppard, The Clash, The Who, Sex Pistols, HELL.. even some Duran Duran and in doing so i discovered my thirst for exciting music and also sharing this with other people.

Over the years i've learnt that i want as many people as i can to enjoy the music i listen to daily. Artists from soundcloud, MySpace and such whom are utterly incredible and yet completely unknown. All these artists want is a chance to get their music out there not fussed about the money they make that IS the way music should be after all. We ain't running a circus here.

The rest is very much the future.

And please... for musics sake...